Psychological well-being in families of shift specialists


  • Y.S. Bekreneva Department of Psychology of Crisis and Extreme Situations, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • M.S. Bril Department of Psychology of Crisis and Extreme Situations, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • V.A. Ermilova Кафедра психологии кризисных и экстремальных ситуаций Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация



work on a shift basis, FIFO families, family well-being, psychological well-being of the family


Nowadays, the peculiarities of family well-being in various family structures attract the attention of scientists. Among such family structures in the focus of research are the families where one of the spouses works on a shift basis, or so-called fly-in fly-out families (FIFO). Researches in this field postulate that in FIFO families, psychological well-being of the family is invariably associated with the success in performance of the family functions such as household, emotional, nurture, and sexual ones. At the same time, numerous studies focus on the difficulties and problems in the FIFO families that arise due to the shift format of work. At the same time, there are data in support of the successful functioning of the FIFO families which allow the authors of this paper to assume there are some factors that foster the psychological well-being in such families. In this study, the couples where one of the spouses works on a shift basis have been interviewed. As a result of content analysis, the authors identified and considered 11 trends of psychological well-being in the FIFO families.


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How to Cite

Bekreneva, Y., Bril, M., & Ermilova, V. (2023). Psychological well-being in families of shift specialists. The Caucasus Journal of Medical and Psychological Sciences, 1(2-3), 19–30.


