At the origins of scientific ophthalmology in Georgia: Alexander Nikolaevich and Tatiana Aleksandrovna Shatilovs (on the 155th and 110th anniversaries of their births)
History of medicine, ophthalmology, Caucasus, Georgia, A.N. Shatilov, T.A. ShatilovaAbstract
This article explores the contribution to scientific and practical ophthalmology of Alexander Nikolaevich Shatilov and Tatiana Aleksandrovna Shatilova – two of the founders of scientific ophthalmology in Georgia, whose 155th and 110th anniversaries are celebrated in 2023. The subject of scientific interest of A.N. Shatilov was glaucoma and the problems of ocular tuberculosis. Under his leadership, a number of experimental and clinical works were carried out at The Department of Ocular Diseases of Tbilisi State Medical Institute, which were described in his scientific articles. Under his supervision five candidate and one doctoral dissertations were defended. In the clinic, under his leadership, physiotherapy methods were introduced, and a pathohistological laboratory was founded. During the Great Patriotic War, he provided ophthalmological care to hospital patients and, until his death in 1949, was engaged in science and practical medicine, as well as training ophthalmologists. Tatiana Aleksandrovna Shatilova – Honored Scientist of the GSSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, full member of the Academy of Biomedical Sciences of Georgia was born 1n 1913 in Batumi. In Tbilisi in 1946 she brilliantly defended her PhD thesis on the topic: «Tuberculous ocular diseases and their treatment with anatuberculin», and in Ryazan, in 1958 the doctoral dissertation entitled «The significance of changes in the vessels and nerves of the eye in the pathogenesis of glaucoma». At the Eye Disease Clinic, A.N. Shatilov and T.A. Shatilova organized a laboratory for the study of eye histopathology, and the first office of ocular tuberculosis treatment in Georgia. T.A. Shatilova is the author of patents: «Method of anti-glaucomatous surgery»; «Method of registration of biopotentials of the ciliary body»; «Method of surgical treatment of myopia»; «Method of treatment of purulent dacryocystitis». In 2003 she published a monograph – «Glaucoma ischaemic eye disease. Clinical and morphological research», which has not lost its relevance today. On January twenty-eighth, 2006, Tatiana Aleksandrovna Shatilova died. In 2017, in recognition of her contribution to the development of ophthalmology as a science, pedagogical activity, education of specialists of this profile, an annual educational grant named after Professor T.A. Shatilova was established at Tbilisi State Medical University for an outstanding resident ophthalmologist, which is presented by the laureate of the State Prize of Georgia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Merab Leonidovich Dvali - founder and General Director of the eye clinic «Akhali mzera» («New vision»). studied material, an attractive image of a doctor and a humanist is created, a person who has earned the deep respect of others with his knowledge and personal qualities.
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