The Second Tiflis Classical Male Gymnasium Named After Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich: Joseph Drboglav, Georgi Ghekhtman and High School Students Graduated In 1900


  • N. V. Melkadzе National Parliamentary Library of Georgia
  • N. B. Kobakhidze National Parliamentary Library of Georgia
  • B. G. Saria St. King Tamar University of Patriarchate of Georgia



2nd Tiflis Classical male Gymnasium, J.F. Drboglav (Droboglav), G.N. Ghekhtman, M. Asatiani, A. Yelchaninov, P. Florensky, I. Tsereteli, V. Ern


The article describes the formation of the gymnasium system and the growing interest in gymnasiums and higher education in the middle of the 19th century in the Caucasus. Special attention is paid to the history of establishing the Second Tiflis Male Classical Gymnasium and the activity of the director and teacher of ancient languages, J.F. Drboglav (Droboglav), and its brilliant graduating class of 1900. Many graduates have gained worldwide fame: Mikhail Asatiani, Vladimir Ern, Pavel Florensky, Irakli Tsereteli, Alexander Yelchaninov (also spelled Elchaninov), etc. The teacher of history, G.N. Ghekhtman, was an intelligent, competent, talented, and inspired teacher. He had a great influence on the development of independent thinking skills and interest in serious research among high school students. Teachers and graduates of the gymnasium have made a great contribution to the development of both regional and domestic science, culture, and socio-political thought. Teachers and graduates of the gymnasium have made a great contribution to the development of both regional and domestic science, culture, and socio-political thought. At Kharkiv University, the destinies of two graduates of the 2nd Tiflis Classical Male Gymnasium crossed: E.K. Redin (1884), associate professor of the Department of Fine Arts History and Theory at Kharkiv University, and a student of Kharkiv University, D.D. Kilosanidze (1900). In 1907, D.D. Kilosanidze was awarded a gold medal for an essay on the history of art: “Gelati Monastery and its Art Monuments.” Focusing on the history of the establishment of the 2nd Tiflis Classical Gymnasium and the fate of its high school students graduated in 1900—the most outstanding in the history of the gymnasium gives food for thought in search of the most adequate ways to modernize education aimed at forming the intellectual potential of the younger generation, improving the educational level of young people, and developing their professional competencies that meet modern requirements towards the development of the economic, social, and humanitarian spheres of society.


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How to Cite

Melkadzе N. V., Kobakhidze, N. B., & Saria, B. G. (2024). The Second Tiflis Classical Male Gymnasium Named After Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich: Joseph Drboglav, Georgi Ghekhtman and High School Students Graduated In 1900. The Caucasus Journal of Medical and Psychological Sciences, 2(1-2), 22–49.


