An Artificial Intelligence Model for an Emerging New Paradigm in Medical Education: Which Model of Psychology Should Be Chosen?


  • L. A. Gheonjian St. King Tamar University of Patriarchate of Georgia



intelligent communication, intelligent operations, intelligent noise, the structure of psychology


Based on the tasks and models of intellectual communication, the article considers the problem of the organization of psychology as a knowledge system. The operational model of intelligence proposed by Piaget is considered in detail and the productivity of using this model, which is an analogue of idealized design, is justified. Identical to Piaget’s definition, intelligence is described as the ability of a psychological object to imagine a certain future, target reality in its imagination, to realize the existing reality, formulate transition operations and make the transition using finite resources and in a finite period of time. Using several examples, the issues of the complexity of intelligent communication with messages of clear and fuzzy logic are considered, the concepts of intelligent noise and a useful signal are introduced. It is proposed, using the approaches of operations research, to begin to carry out research on intellectual operations for their optimization when used in educational systems. The model of idealized design of education is considered and the plan of productive intellectual communication of psychology with exact and natural sciences for education is discussed.


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How to Cite

Gheonjian, L. A. (2024). An Artificial Intelligence Model for an Emerging New Paradigm in Medical Education: Which Model of Psychology Should Be Chosen?. The Caucasus Journal of Medical and Psychological Sciences, 2(1-2), 1–21.


