Artificial Intelligence Model for the Emerging new Paradigm in Medical Education: Some General Considerations


  • L. А. Gheonjian Patriarchate of Georgia St. King Tamar University



artificial intelligence, problems of education, medical education, design of education, cerebral sorting mechanism, engineering psychology, psychology of set


The present article delves into the features of medical education design in the era of digital and information technologies. A recurring issue in medical education is the lack of a general psychological theory that defines education as an organized and purposeful process of exchanging information messages aimed at developing professional skills. Additionally, there is a lack of a common approach for the formation of these messages. While clear logic is used for physical and informational variables, fuzzy logic is used for linguistic variables, which are markers of sets of fuzzy classification representations of objects of reality. To tackle these problems, the article proposes the «idealized design» method, which is an effective approach to address a wide range of planning and goalachieving problems, and it can aid in developing skills for using advanced expert systems. Furthermore, the article emphasizes the necessity of shaping a new paradigm of the image/model of a medical worker and the educational model that shapes this image through engineering psychology, based on the Psychology of Set by Dimitri Uznadze.


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How to Cite

Gheonjian L. А. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Model for the Emerging new Paradigm in Medical Education: Some General Considerations. The Caucasus Journal of Medical and Psychological Sciences, 1(5-6), 46–64.


