Loneliness and its experience in patients with schizophrenia during rehabilitation
features of loneliness experience, schizophrenia, neuropsychiatric dispensary, content analysis, comparative analysis, correlation analysisAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of the features of loneliness in schizophrenia
patients undergoing rehabilitation in neuropsychiatric dispensary, and their connection
with such clinical-psychological characteristics as state anxiety, social anxiety,
interpersonal relationships and self-esteem. The study involved 70 respondents over
the age of 18: 30 patients of Neuropsychiatric dispensary (average age 38±13.49)
attending a psychiatric day hospital and 40 respondents without diagnosed mental
illness (average age 38±14,04). Research methods: clinical-psychological interview,
Differential questionnaire of loneliness experience (E. N. Osin, D. A. Leontiev), StateTrait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger-Khanin), Questionnaire of social anxiety and social
phobia, method «Subjective assessment of interpersonal relationships», Self-esteem
Matrix (B. Weinhold). Data processing methods: content analysis, Mann–Whitney U
test, correlation analysis. The results of the study reflect the features of loneliness
experienced by patients with schizophrenia: they are more likely to think about
loneliness than experience it; they identify external factors in loneliness more than
internal experiences; they tend to avoid situations of loneliness. They have higher
current loneliness experiences. Connections with the studied clinical-psychological
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