Supernumerary Phantom Pain: From Mechanisms To Treatment


  • Burliyat A. Abusueva Dagestan State Medical University, Department of Nervous Diseases, Medical Genetics and Neurosurgery, Makhachkala, Russian Federation
  • Kseniia B. Manysheva Dagestan State Medical University, Department of Nervous Diseases, Medical Genetics and Neurosurgery, Makhachkala, Russian Federation



Supernumerary phantom limb, supernumerary phantom pain, etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment


The article is devoted to the supernumerary phantom pain. It is described as pain in a supernumerary phantom limb. This is a very rare phenomenon with only sporadic and brief descriptions in the literature. However, this syndrome brings great suffering to the patient not only due to the feeling of pain, but also due to the complexity of its description and the difficulty of understanding by the doctor. For simplicity, patients draw a supernumerary limb and mark the location of pain on it. The pathogenesis of supernumerary phantom pain is not completely clear. Therefore, the description of each case is important for clinical practice. The article attempts to summarize the available information about the etiology, pathogenesis, methods of diagnosis and therapy of this syndrome.


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How to Cite

Abusueva, B. A., & Manysheva, K. B. (2023). Supernumerary Phantom Pain: From Mechanisms To Treatment. The Caucasus Journal of Medical and Psychological Sciences, 1(5-6), 39–45.


