"I Can Be Satisfied That I Have Not Lived Without Creating Benefits ...": Caucasian Pages Of The Biography Of Doctor Leo Zisserman


  • S. B. Manyshev Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation




history of medicine, Caucasian Mineral Waters, balneology, Russian Balneological Society, Leo Zisserman


The article, based on archival materials and literature data, examines the main milestones in the biography of the doctor Leo Karlovich Zisserman (1803–1882), who served at the end of his life in the Caucasus. L.K. Zisserman came from Austria-Hungary and received his initial medical education at the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna. Then he moved to the Russian Empire, where in 1830 he received the title of physician at Kharkov University. His further career related to the Podolsk province. However, in the early 1860s, he moved to the Caucasus, where his sons served. Here he took the position of resident at the Pyatigorsk military hospital. Most of L.K. Zisserman’s scientific activity is associated with the Russian Balneological Society in the city of Pyatigorsk, which was created in 1863. The author analyzed the scientific works of L.A. Zisserman, devoted to the study of balneological resources of the North Caucasus.


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How to Cite

Manyshev, S. B. (2023). "I Can Be Satisfied That I Have Not Lived Without Creating Benefits .": Caucasian Pages Of The Biography Of Doctor Leo Zisserman. The Caucasus Journal of Medical and Psychological Sciences, 1(5-6), 13–24. https://doi.org/10.61699/cjmps-v1-i5-6-p13-24


