

  • Irina V. Sichinava Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical Uni¬versity nave I.M. Sechenov of Russian Federation Ministry of Health (Sechenov University). Department of Children’s Diseases, Сclinical Institute of Children’s Health named after N.F. Filatov. Sechenov Center for Motherhood and Childhood
  • M.I Ivaradava Pediatrics and Child Health Research Institute of Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery



diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Helicobacter pylori, eradication, quadruple therapy, bismuth-containing quadruple therapy


It performed an analysis of the literature data on modern approaches to the treatment of diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori (HP), its clinical effectiveness and safety. Various treatment options are being considered: triple therapy with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), quadruple therapy without bismuth, and bismuth-containing quadruple therapy. It is indicated that the therapeutic effectiveness of these methods, as well as their role in reducing antibiotic resistance in HP eradication, remain the subject of active debate. It is relevant to create regional databases on drug resistance, since in recent years the level of resistance to clarithromycin, metronidazole and levofloxacin has been increasing worldwide, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of traditional PPI-based triple therapy as first-line therapy. In conclusion, it is noted that the most promising fundamental principle for the treatment of HP-associated diseases is personalized therapy, the basis of which is drug sensitivity testing, since triple therapy has been found to be highly effective against the pathogen even in regions with high drug resistance.


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How to Cite

Sichinava, I. V., & Ivaradava, M. (2024). THE MODERN DIRECTIONS OF ANTI-HELICOBACTER THERAPY: Review. The Caucasus Journal of Medical and Psychological Sciences, 1(4), 21–37.


